
Geotextile Products

Geotextiles: Important Role in Construction and Environmental Projects

Geotextiles are special textile materials used in many fields such as construction, environmental engineering and landscape design. These materials are designed for a variety of functions, such as increasing the strength of the natural ground, controlling erosion, filtering, and providing drainage.

PP Non Woven Geotextiles

Jeotech PP Nonwoven Geotextiles are produced in white color by the method of needling pure polypropylene based fibers much thinner than millimeters and applying heat treatment.

PS Non Woven Geotextiles
PS Non Woven Geotextiles

 PS Nonwoven Geotextiles are nonwoven textile products produced in white color by the method of needling pure polyester based fibers and applying heat treatment.

PS-R Non Woven Geotextiles

PS-R (Recycled) Nonwoven Geotextiles is a nonwoven textile product produced by needling recycled polyester-based fibers and applying heat treatment. Two…

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