Pool and Pond Insulation

Geosynthetics Application
Pool and Pond Insulation

Ponds, pools and liquid waste ponds insulated with geomembrane offer a long-lasting use without maintenance, thanks to their superior resistance to natural conditions, plant roots, algae, salts in soil and water, and many chemicals.

In pool and pond insulation, geosynthetic products must be able to withstand long-term chemical and physical conditions, comply with the most stringent quality standards required by the industry and consider high durability.

Since geomembranes are a material that can maintain its elasticity and structural stability, no tearing, cracking or rupture was observed that would interfere with waterproofing even when tested at -40 °C and 120 °C weather conditions, which is unusual.
Materials used in Erosion Control

Ozone, which causes the deterioration of the materials used in the waterproofing of ponds and irrigation channels over time and creates a serious problem, has been proven to have no harmful effect on some membranes as a result of the tests.

In pond and pool insulation, materials are used according to the characteristics of the projects. Usually in this application Geofen Geomembranes with Geotech Geotextiles and to strengthen the ground Fortech Geogrid materials can be used. 

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