Arnavutköy Emlak Konut Project Extruded Geogrid Application

Extruded Geogrid application continues in Emlak Konut Project with 1729 residences and 56 commercial areas in Arnavutköy Dursunköy.

What is Extruded Geogrid?

Extruded Geogrids It is a high modulus, high density polyethylene (HDPE) raw material. It is produced by a drilled and compressed process and has a tensile strength feature in the aspect-length direction.

In addition, the high strength rate at the connection point of the extruded geogrid is another factor that increases the strength.

Why Should We Prefer Extruded Geogrid in Our Projects?

  • Extruded geogrids are used for soil and subgrade stabilization in civil engineering projects worldwide. Thus, high-performance products are designed to achieve maximum bearing capacity and slip resistance.
  • Extruded geogrids are easy to apply and economical.
  • In the application of extruded geogrids, the need for anchoring iron is eliminated with the overlapping allowances and correct laying direction method. In this way, it saves both material and time.
  • Extruded geogrids allow the filling layer to be laid on weak ground to be laid in a thinner thickness. Thus, it creates a platform with the filling formed on weak soils and prevents different settlements.
  • foundation ground and Thanks to the interlocking between extruded geogrids, it creates high tensile strength in response to low deformation within the ground structure.

Extruded Geogrid Application

İys Teknik İnşaat A.Ş. in the application of extruded geogrids. We are at your service with our supervision and engineering support. You can also contact us to minimize loss rates by preparing overlapping allowances and laying plans according to the manufacturing area of your project. Thus, our expert engineer staff provides information to your application teams in the field on how extruded geogrids should be applied. If you need, it will send a field support team for your applications.

extruded geogrids You can contact us for any questions regarding

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